There’s A Lot in Your Nothing

“When [you] get to God …you’re not going to ask God anything except why did I let the devil beat me up so badly when you’re this big.” - Steven Furtick

There are three times in our pursuit for our purpose we may see ourselves as having nothing. We don’t have the knowledge. We don’t have the skill. We don’t have the way/direction. We see it as having nothing. But God is telling you that there is a lot in our nothing. To us in this world, it seems like nothing. The world’s standards are very different to God’s. First step is understanding that. We can’t look at our destiny the way the world would. We will get lost, give up or fail. God has the plan, remember. “'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. '” (Jeremiah 29:11)

So you don’t think you have the skill. Did David know exactly how to fight a giant? He had an idea. He had fought lions and bears, but a giant is different. If he knew exactly what to do, he would not have tried on the armor they gave him. He probably would not have declared that God would fight for him. He did that because it is in our lack of knowledge that we give God full control. He declared that God would give them the victory. Declare your victory now in His name, because it is already yours. He has given it to you. As you sit there thinking have no skill whatsoever, or I am just average, don’t let that discouragement stay with you. Lean into Him. He will show you the next step and the one after that. How? By speaking to you through others, through your quiet time with Him or through other signs. Look for Him and you will find Him. (Read 1 Samuel 17)

So you don’t think you have the way. Did Abraham know where he was going when he left home? God told him to pack up his life and leave. He followed through the wilderness going where God led him not knowing when or where he would settle. Sometimes for how long. He made decisions out of fear from these strange places, for example, he told a King his wife was his sister. Thankfully it didn’t cause too much trouble because God was with him. God never left him once on this journey. If you are currently feeling lost, whether it is physically or spiritually or mentally, God is there with a beacon. He will show you the way. He will never lose you in a crowd. He knows exactly where you are and how much longer you have to go. Even our mistakes are being accounted for. He has a plan for those too. (Read Genesis 20)

So you don’t think you have the knowledge. Did Moses know exactly how to free his people and guide them to the promise land? No, he did not. God came to him and laid out the plan for how Moses would get them out step by step. He gave him the knowledge he needed. That didn’t mean Moses eagerly leapt at the opportunity. Maybe we feel we don’t have the knowledge needed to complete the full plan. Maybe you’re not supposed to. What you do have is enough for this step. I can guarantee that, God told Moses to look at his hand. Moses was going to work with the staff that he was already holding. God gave him the knowledge of how to use it to show signs. You may feel all you know is the bare minimum. That it doesn’t add up to enough to get to where you want to go. Well, God sees it as enough until it’s time to come and reveal more to you for your next level. (Exodus 3,4:1-17)

Here’s a bonus. After Moses had freed his people he thought he was in the clear until he came to the Red Sea. You may see a huge obstacle and think how does God expect me to know how to jump this hurdle. Guess what. He doesn’t. He is handling all of those hurdles for you. He will open that path wide like he parted the sea so you can get to the other side. Don’t let this world tell you, that you have nothing. Don’t even let your mind tell you that. Remember who your God is, He didn’t come to play. He has a plan and it will be completed.


Remember Whose You Are


Take a Risk